35/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Operation Time Mon to Fri: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Contact Us (852) 2824 8422

About Newbridge Technologies

Newbridge Technologies is a world-beating North America-Europe technology, built on long home-grown expertise at Newbridge. Globally, combined with local delivery and service capability our solutions are serving some of the world’s most prestigious hospitality market, whilst leading development in IP Surveillance NX range of Cameras, NVR and VMS, together with IPX and SDX range of specific designed for IP CCTV purpose. Adding wireless Wi-Fi technology with significant improvements to mid and high density optimization.

Already Newbridge with own strong R&D team and expertise has solutions being deployed in over several global regions, working either directly or through knowledge transfer, to enable local partners to install, maintain and operate the Newbridge IP Surveillance and wireless instalment.

With offices in the North America, Europe and Asia we are addressing the needs of Security surveillance and wireless Wi-Fi requirements specifically to the demands and satisfaction of the local partners and end customers.

Our technologies are adopted by corporations internationally to improve their yield and return on investment.

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